Toward Brilliance Govern ? What do you thinksss.
Are this our CHOICE ?
“Every good quality is contained in ginger.”
***Ginger root for muscles-- Now research shows gingerroot reduces soreness, improves range of motion and therefore helps you pack on muscle.Use 2 grams of ground gingerroot every day or equivalent supplements. Changes should be experienced in around 11 days.**
* Well known benefits of ginger include prevention, relief of motion sickness & morning illness. In fact, studies show ginger to be more effective than Dramamine for motion sickness.
* Ginger is a superb herbal remedy for digestive problems. Ginger helps relieve cramping & helps to break down proteins.
* Ginger seems to reduce cholesterol.
* Another of ginger’s health benefits - lowersblood pressure.
* Ginger helps prevent blood clots that can trigger heart attacks.
* Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties makes it an all natural arthritis pain reliever.
* Ginger relieves menstrual cramps.
* Ginger kills viruses that lead to flu & cold.
* Ginger may reduce blood sugar & so may help control diabetes.
* Ginger may shrink tumors.
* Asians take ginger to prevent & relieve headaches, including migraines.
* Anti-clotting property of ginger makes it a good stroke preventive.
* In addition to helping arthritis, ginger may help any disease that is linked to inflammation, including bursitis & tendonitis.
* Ginger’s warming properties also makes it a good choice for Reynaud’s Phenomenon.
Ginger use
For serious conditions or acute pain, take full strength ginger formula, capsules, tinctures. Use as needed or directed.
For less serious conditions, you could take commercial supplements or just drink ginger root tea.
If you are taking ginger for stomach ailments, how lucky that you can simply drink ginger concoctions - tea, juice of, tinctures - and it goes right to the location that needs nursing.
Use ginger liberally in dishes, such as vegetable stir fry or insert little bits of ginger into meat before roasting.
Ginger safety
Ginger is quite safe. There is no evidence of toxicity but it would not be wise to drink undiluted ginger juice.
For children under 2 years of age, give diluted ginger tea for stomach upsets.
sejenis tumbuhan yang dihasilkan dari getah kayu pokok gambir yang banyak terdapat di dalam hutan Negeri Sarawak, Malaysia. Ia juga dikenali dengan nama Born, Gambier, Borneo Cat's claw, Una de Gato dan Kerangas. Ia diperolehi di dalam hutan tebal di kawasan pendalaman di bahagian Long Panai, Marudi, Sarawak.
Keberkesanan gambir Sarawak memang telah diketahui berabad lamanya khususnya bagi penduduk-penduduk di Negeri Sarawak. Penggunaan gambir secara meluas telah menular ke semua negeri di Semenanjung Malaysia malah ke beberapa negara jiran seperti Indonesia, Brunei dan Singapura. Kesan dari penggunaan telah terbukti memberikan hasil yang luar biasa dan lebih murah berbanding ubat moden.
melegakan sakit gigi,kanak-kanak berkhatan,Bertindik ,untuk melegakan sakit sementara sebelum di bawa ke hospital seperti terkena gigitan binatang yang berbisa seperti ular, kala jengkingatau sengat ikan seperti ikan keli, ikan sembilang dan sebagainya.
Populariti gambir Sarawak mula naik apabila penggunaan gambir ini amat berkesan bagi pasangan suami isteri dalam melakukan hubungan intim. Ramai kaum lelaki yang mencari gambir Sarawak ini di pasaran semata-mata untuk memberi kepuasan kepada pasangan mereka di dalam melakukan hubungan intim.
Gambir Sarawak mendapat sambutan yang hangat namun tiada penjualan secara komersil besar-besaran. Kebanyakkan peniagakecil menjual produk ini di pasar malam, kaki lima, gerai kecil di tepi jalan.
Mungkin kerana produk ini belum mendapat kelulusan dari Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia lagi ia tidak dipasarkan secara komersil dan meluas. Harga gambir Sarawak ini pula (Semenanjung Malaysia) di antara RM10 hingga RM20 tetapi ia lebih murah jika dibeli di Negeri Sarawak. Oleh kerana sambutan yang hangat di Semenanjung Malaysia ini para peniaga mengambil kesempatan dengan menaikkan harga sesuka hati kerana mereka menyedari betapa sukarnya mendapatkan bekalan gambir ini di sini.
Makcik ! Bagi gambir Sekilo. Hah..! Ambik ni….
There are several herbs mentioned below,these should be avoided if they would bring on premature delivery. However, if the due date has passed, the same herbs can be taken to initiate the birthing process. Though generally safe, only do take uterine stimulant herbs with the consent of your doctor.
List of herbs to avoid during pregnancy.
Aloe vera is a natural laxative and laxatives can stimulate the uterus.
Angelica has been implicated in menstruation & miscarriage.
Arbor viae is another menstrual and uterine stimulant.
Autumn crocus has been linked to birth defects.
Barberry is a uterine stimulants. This herb can be used during labor.
Basil oil is also a uterine stimulants that can be used safely during labor but is one of the herbs to avoid during pregnancy.
Beet root is another uterine stimulants safe for use during labor.
Black cohosh & Blue cohosh are both uterine stimulants that can be used safely during labor.
Blood root may cause vomiting and is a uterine stimulant.
Broom root causes uterine contractions.
Bugleweed is also one of the herbal remedies to avoid during pregnancybecause it affects hormone production.
Clove oil is another uterine stimulant that can be used in labor.
Coltsfoot contains alkaloids that could damage the fetus’ liver.
Comfrey also contains alkaloids that may damage maternal and fetal livers. It may also contains toxins that can affect the placenta.
Cotton root brings on uterine contractions.
Devil’s claw is also a uterine stimulant.
Dong quai is certainly one of the herbs to avoid during pregnancy because it is a powerful herb that stimulates the uterus. It has been linked to menstruation & miscarriage.
Echinacea may be too concentrated for safe use while pregnant.
False unicorn root is a powerful hormone stimulant.
Feverfew may also cause premature contractions that can promote menstruation & miscarriage.
Ginseng affects hormones and so should be avoided during pregnancy.
Goldenseal, great for the immune system, is one of the herbal remedies to avoid during pregnancy as it can promote uterine contractions leading topremature delivery. However, it is safe to take during labor.
Greater celandine is also a uterine stimulant that can be used during labor.
Juniper, another uterine stimulant that can be used in labor.
Lady’s mantle is a uterine stimulant that can be used in labor.
Licorice affects hormones the during crucial stages of fetal development.
Life root is also a uterine stimulant. But another reason for it being on thelist of herbs to avoid during pregnancy is that it also contains toxins that can cross the placenta.
Mistletoe is another uterine stimulant that hosts toxins that can cross the placenta.
Mugwort is a powerful hertb that may be too concentrated for a fetus. It’s also a uterine stimulant. Should avoid during breast feeding.
Palsatilla is a menstrual stimulant. Should not be used while breast feeding.
Parsley speeds up delivery, in medicinal amounts, but is fine in culinary amounts.
Pennyroyal can promote uterine contractions.
Peruvian bark is one of the must herbs to avoid during pregnancy because it is toxic and can lead to blindness and coma.
Pokeroot has been linked to birth defects.
Pseudoginseng : one of the herbal remedies to avoid during pregnancy as it may cause birth defects.
Red raspberry leaf tea , can cause contractions, so should be avoided during the 1st trimester. May be safe to use during labor.
Rue should be avoided as it’s a uterine and menstrual stimulant.
Sassafras is a uterine stimulants and linked to birth defects.
Shepherd’s purse should also be avoided because its a uterine stimulant.
Tansy can bring on menstruation and miscarriage.
Valerian is a a powerful sedative that may be too concentrated for a fetus.
Wild yam is a uterine stimulants and may lead to birth defects.
Yarrow is also too powerful an herb to take during pregnancy.
List of best herbs for pregnancy
* A highly recommended herbal tea for pregnancyis partridge berry tea. It is used by native Americans to make delivery safer and less painful. It is best used in the days right before delivery and just before delivery.
* Another good herbal tea for pregnancy israspberry leaf tea. Raspberry leaf contains ingredients that help relax the uterus. This may help avoid miscarriage, morning sickness and other typical discomforts of pregnancy. Enjoy the tea for several weeks before delivery.
* Yet another good herbal tea for pregnancy isblack haw effective for treating severe menstrual cramps and the incidence of miscarriage. It too works by soothing the uterus.
* Peppermint (mentha piperita) is one of the wonderfully calming herbs forpregnancy. It helps support digestion and promotes the flow of bile. It’s especially good for nausea & recent studies show it calms and settles the stomach. Enjoy peppermint tea several times daily
* Ginger is one of the true master herbs, having a long history use in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Recent studies confirm its ability to relieve nausea and to tone the digestive system. Click for our page on thebenefits of ginger
* Finally, tincture of Shepherd’s purse taken after birth constricts blood vessels and so helps stop the bleeding.
* Another high folate veggie is spinach which may also help prevent spina bifida.
St.-John’s-wort oil is extremely good for rubbing on the area between the vagina and anus during pregnancy, delivery and after birth. It’s anti-inflammatory action calms the burning feeling, reduces swelling and speeds healing.
* Mandarin Oil is a marvelously soothing oil that helps the skin keep in moisture and nutrients which increases elasticity.
* Neroli Oil is also a relaxing oil and has a terrific balancing effect on all skin types. Neroli oi also helps the skin regenerate skin cells.
* Patchouli Oil is also regenerative properties and widely used as a luxurious skin tonic.
* Rose Geranium Oil supports & rejuvenates healthy skin. It is often recommended for use on scars and for stretchmarks and cellulite. This essential oil also helps maintain hormonal and fluid balance in the body.
* Rosehip Oil is nourishing and soothing. It is often recommended duringpregnancy for its promotion of skin health in particular.
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He's a fluffy young leopard with green dreadlocks and a wide smile; he's energetic, enthusiastic, sociable, self-confident and ambitious – and he loves football. Meet Zakumi, the official mascot for the 2010 Fifa World Cup.
The name "Zakumi" is a composition of "ZA" (South Africa's international country code) and "kumi", a ki-Swahili word that means 10. Since South Africa aims to make 2010 a truly African World Cup, the LOC decided to use a word from a language widely spoken across the continent.
South Africa Teams of World Cup Link of match Link of Groups PDF Match Table
Longevitology uses the human body to receive energy from the universe. Student attend and have their Chakras opened. They then improve their health by sitting quietly (meditation) and making adjustment (healing). They can also use longevitology to improve the health of others.
慈悲救人 ( Saving People with Benevolence and Compassion)
Equip yourself with the motive of love, patience, concern, and compassion; follow the principles of avoidance of desires for fame, gain, and reward; remain devoid of personal passion and greed; uphold the spirit that the purpose of life is to serve others; and contribute our love and concern for our society, with the faith that these endeavors will help develop the finer and kinder side of human nature, thus enabling our families to become happier, our society more harmonized, our country stronger, and humans healthier.
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Common name: Tiger orchid, Sugar cane orchid
Botanical name: Grammatophyllum speciosum Blume (Orchidaceae)
This exotic orchid is almost extinct, I manage to snap the picture that propagate the species in Taman Pertanian sabah.
An orchid has returned from presumed extinction to blossom that at Taman Pretanian Sabah in Tenom which our visit recently. Mr.DH Mil sharif as our guide leader n also act as “Sheriff “who always smile and give us most valuable information of the site and the plant. The most extraction to me are Tiger Orchid (Picture).
Looking at glance “Its like spaceship – Stealth ”
Our Mr.Sharif with Magic Tree / Pokok Ajaib (Below post)
Ha..ha..ha… Magic fruit.”Now u c,Nw u don’t”
Huh..! left me alone… All disappear by just one pinch of _ the magic fruit.. Its really scary.Better i don’t plug d _ tiger orchid if not i will b disappear for ever.
A combination picture shows the different phases of an annular solar eclipse in the southern Indian town of Rameswaram January 15, 2010. The annular eclipse of the sun, which will last for over 11 minutes during its maximum duration, will be visible from a 300-km wide
A partial solar eclipse is seen at the Tianfu Square on January 15, 2010 in Chengdu of Sichuan Province, China. An annular eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a 300-km-wide track that traverses half of Earth today including China, which is predicted to be the longest of its kind for 1000 years.
Thousands of people in India viewed the spectacle of the eclipse of the sun looking skywards through special filter eyeglasses as the moon crosses its path blocking everything but a narrow, blazing rim of light.
Gaharu berasal dari perkataan Sanskrit ia itu ‘agaru’ yang bererti kayu berat (tenggelam) - menghasilkan produk damar atau resin dengan aroma yang harum apabila dibakar. Kayu gaharu dikenali juga sebagai agar wood, aloes wood dan eagle wood.
Kayu gaharu mengandungi bahan agarospiral, jinkoholeremol yang menghasilkan aroma gaharu untuk kegunaan minyak wangi. Manakala komponen methoxypenylethyl chrome pula menghasilkan bahan yang harum apabila gaharu dibakar.
Pengguna gaharu merentasi sempadan negara, bangsa dan agama. Gaharu digunakan untuk tujuan keagamaan China, unanai, ayuravedik dan Tibet di timur tengah gaharu dibakar untuk mengharumkan rumah.Manusia menggunakan gaharu semasa hidup dan ketika berlaku kematian. Ia digunakan juga untuk tujuan perubatan dan juga kecantikan.
Daun, akar dan kulit gaharu digunakan sebagai ubat anti malaria sementara air sulingan penghasilan gaharu dimasukkan perubatan selepas bersalin, antibiotik, antikanser, penyakit kewanitaan, demam, sakit badan dan sakit perut.
Gaharu digunakan sebagai bahan kecantikan sejak berabad yang lalu keranabaunya yang eksotik, harum dan mewangi seperti bunga. Serbuk daripadabatangnya digunakan untuk menghasilkan barangan kecantikan, sabun, lilin, ibat-ubatan dan minyak wangi.
Keharumannya dapat digunakan dalam bidang meditasi untuk mengurangkan stress. Ia juga penyakit kulit seperti kegatalan dan bengkak. Minyak gaharu dapat memberi ketenangan dan kerehatan minda. Ia juga dapat menyembuhkan kesan terbakar, menghalang pengeluaran peluh secara berlebihan serta membantu keseimbangan badan.
Pati minyak dan adunan kayu gaharu berkhasiat merawat penyakit kulit seperti jerawat, ulser dan ruam. Khasiat kayu yang pelbagai menyebabkan kayu gaharu digunakan sebagai bahan utama dalam penghasilan produk wangian, krim, ubat salap, loysen, barangan hias diri dan minyak urutan.
“ HerBa WoRld “
Mail By: Tan Teck Bee
Good rest and sound sleep is very important... if u don't sleep well,The toxic in your body will accumulate... Affecting your health and your mood...
The main causes of liver damage are:
1.. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our body to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'
Because: Evening at 9 - 11pm : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (de- toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an un relaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health.
Evening at 11pm - 1am : The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state. Early morning 1 - 3am : de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3 - 5am : de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.
Morning 5 - 7am : de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.
Morning 7 - 9am : Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all.
Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.
Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
Sharing Is Caring !
Ikan Unik yang Terancam Karana Khasiat dan Kepercayaannya
kuda laut termasuk anggota keluarga ikan (Kelas Osteichthyes, Ordo Syngnathiformes, Famili Syngnathidae) dapat dijumpai hampir di seluruh perairan dunia, mulai dari kawasan beriklim tropis hingga beriklim sedang. Habitat kuda laut terutama di sepanjang pesisir pantai, tepian laut, teluk-teluk yang dangkal, mendiami tempat-tempat yang banyak terdapat terumbu karang, hutan bakau, dan padang lamun. Dari sejumlah species anggota kuda laut, Hippocampus kuda adalah jenis yang memiliki distribusi paling luas, terutama di sepanjang perairan tropis Indo-Pasifik. Wilayah persebaran hewan ini ke barat hingga Selat Inggris, ke timur hingga Kepulauan Hawaii, ke utara hingga Laut Jepang, dan ke selatan hingga Pantai Australia.
Ia memiliki kehidupan sosial yang sangat baik, mereka akan saling memberikan salam satu sama lain ketika bertemu pada pagi hari dan ketika akan berpisah pada petang hari dengan cara mengubah warna tubuhnya sesaat ketika berpasangan atau dengan mengeluarkan suara-suara ‘klik-klik’ yang dihasilkan oleh rahangnya
Keunikan lain dari hewan ini adalah karena pemeliharaan telur dan anak-anaknya diserahkan kepada individu jantan.Telur-telur yang dihasilkan oleh si betina akan disalurkan ke kantung eram (brood pouch) yang dimiliki oleh individu jantan, dibuahi di dalam kantung tersebut, dan selanjutnya dipelihara hingga menetas. Selama lebih kurang sepuluh hari kuda laut jantan akan tampak seperti sedang ‘bunting’ dan selanjutnya ‘melahirkan’ sejumlah kuda laut mungil. Dari 1000 butir telur yang dihasilkan setiap kali pemijahan, jumlah anakan yang mampu lulus-hidup hanya sekitar 250-600 ekor saja. Masa pemijahan kuda laut dapat berlangsung sepanjang tahun, tergantung pada kondisi air, terutama temperatur. Dalam kondisi yang optimal, pemijahan dapat terjadi hingga empat kali dalam setahun.
Kuda laut termasuk hewan monogami, yaitu hanya memiliki satu pasangan saja seumur hidupnya. Apabila pasangannya mati,. tertangkap, atau hilang, maka pasangan yang tertinggal akan lebih memilih hidup sendiri, atau apabila memutuskan untuk memiliki pasangan baru akan menunggu setelah jangka waktu yang sangat lama. Hal ini menjadi salah satu penyebab lambatnya pertumbuhan populasi kuda laut di alam, di samping faktor predasi, mortalitas yang tinggi akibat infeksi ektoparasit, dan perubahan lingkungan habitatnya. Penangkapan besar-besaran (eksploitasi) oleh manusia semakin memperburuk kondisi ini.
Traditional Chinese Medicine pengobatan dan penyembuhan penyakit dengan menggunakan kuda laut didasari oleh keseimbangan antara yin dan yang. Berdasarkan kitab pengobatan pada masa Dinasti Ming (1368-1644), kuda laut berkhasiat untuk memperkuat yang, sehingga tidak dianjurkan kepada mereka yang mengalami defisiensi ying. Beberapa penyakit yang konon dapat disembuhkan oleh kuda laut antara lain: pernyakit kulit, peradangan, gangguan pencernaan, gangguan pernafasan, gangguan jantung dan sistem peredaran darah, penyakit syaraf dan gangguan fungsi otak, gangguan hati dan ginjal, penurunan sistem imun, dan masih banyak lagi.Ia juga dikonsumsi masyarakat sebagai tonik untuk memulihkan kesehatan, menjaga stamina, dan vitalitas tubuh.
Selain dipercaya berkhasiat obat, kuda laut juga dipercaya memiliki kekuatan magis. Hal ini dibuktikan oleh beberapa kebudayaan yang masih memegang teguh kepercayaan animisme. Mereka menyimpan kuda laut sebagai jimat yang diyakini dapat menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan, untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, melindungi harta benda, dan meminta kemakmuran dan permintaan akan kuda laut hidup sebagai ikan hias pun meningkat dengan pesat.
Kepercayaan khasiat dan azimat Kuda Laut ini menyebabkn ia mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi sehingga mendorong terjadinya penangkapan yang intensif dan tidak terkawal di alam. Tercatat sekitar 24 juta ekor kuda laut ditangkap di alam setiap tahunnya. Konsumsi kuda laut di wilayah Asia menempati posisi yang tertinggi, yaitu mencapai 45 ton atau sekitar 16 juta ekor per tahun. Kondisi ini tentunya mengakibatkan menurunnya populasi kuda laut secara nyata. Apabila kondisi ini akan terus berlanjut, diperkirakan dalam waktu dekat ini kuda laut akan terancam punah. Di perairan Cina, populasi kuda laut telah berkurang hingga 30 %, di Filipina 70 %, dan di Vietnam tidak berbeda jauh. Semua penurunan tersebut akibat penangkapan yang berlebihan dan tidak memperhatikan jenis yang tertangkap, apakah yang dewasa atau yang masih anakan. Secara umum populasi kuda laut menurun 25-50 % selama kurun waktu 2-5 tahun.
IUCN (International Union for the Conservation Nature) dan WWF (World Widelife Foundation). Untuk itu, IUCN yang berpusat di Gland, Swiss, ini mengeluarkan Red Data Book yang berisi daftar fauna dan flora yang dilindungi, dikenal sebagai Red List. Daftar ini menyatakan bahwa kuda laut merupakan hewan yang dilindungi dari ancaman kepunahan, dan dimasukkan ke dalam kategori “VU” atau Vulnerable. CITES (The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) telah mendeklarasikan peraturan perihal penangkapan kuda laut sejak November 2002 dengan toleransi 18 bulan untuk memberi waktu kepada 165 negara terkait, termasuk Indonesia di dalamnya, untuk menyebarluaskan kebijakan ini. Para nelayan harus diberi pengarahan dan pendidikan tentang cara menangkap kuda laut yang baik, demikian juga kaum pedagang dan masyarakat pengguna harus diberi pengertian untuk tidak sekedar mengejar keuntungan dan kepentingan pribadi semata tanpa menghiraukn kepupusan hewan ini di masa depan.
Selain penangkapan yang berlebihan tersebut, kerusakan dan musnahnya habitat kuda laut juga merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab turunnya populasi hewan ini secara global. Penggunaan jaring trawl, dinamit, dan tuba untuk menangkap ikan, pengambilan terumbu karang, perusakan hutan bakau, perusakan padang lamun, pencemaran air laut, dan aktivitas reklamasi pantai merupakan beberapa aktiviti yang secara tidak langsung mengurangkn lg populasi kuda laut di alam.
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Multitask more easily. | | | |
Chat and share with free photo, e-mail, and IM programs. | | | |
Browse the web easily and more safely. | | | |
Find files and programs instantly. | | | |
Open programs and files you use most in a click or two. | | ||
Connect to any available wireless network in just three clicks. | | ||
Navigate lots of open windows more quickly. | |
Easily share files, photos, and music on your home network. | ![]() | ||
Print to a single printer from any PC in the house. | ![]() | ||
Manage printers, cameras, and other devices better. | ![]() | ||
Organize lots of files, documents, and photos effortlessly. | ![]() | ||
Works the way you want | |||
Personalize your desktop with themes and photos. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Connect to company networks more securely. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Fully compatible with 64-bit PCs. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Run Windows XP productivity programs. Built-in defense against spyware and other malware | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() ![]() |
Help keep your data private and secure. | ![]() | ![]() | |
Manage and monitor your children’s PC use. | ![]() | ![]() | |
Designed for faster sleep and resume. | ![]() | ||
Improved power management for longer battery life. | ![]() | ||
Makes new things possible | |||
Watch and record TV on your PC. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Create and share movies and slide shows in minutes. | ![]() | ![]() |
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Simplifies everyday tasks ( |