
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lagi Bukti Dakwat jari pengundi awal boleh hilang

PAS mempunyai bukti dakwat yang dicalit di jari boleh hilang apabila dicuci

SEREMBAN: PAS Negeri Sembilan hari ini mendedahkan bahawa dakwat yang dicalit pada jari pengundi awal iaitu anggota tentera boleh  dicuci dan hilang selepas lebih kurang 20 minit mengundi.

Setiausaha Perhubungan PAS negeri, Mohamad Hassan Tamby yang menghubungi FMT sebentar tadi berkata pihaknya mempunyai bukti  bergambar bahawa dakwat yang dicalit di jari seorang anggota tentera di sebuah kem tentera di Telok Kemang, telah hilang apabila  dicuci, hanya selepas 20 minit anggota tentera itu selesai mengundi.

Dakwat tersebut berwarna ungu/pink (purple with pinkish).

“Pagi tadi calon-calon telah pergi ke tempat mengundi awal di Telok Kemang untuk memantau proses mengundi awal dan ianya berjalan  lancar.

“Lebih kurang pukul 9.30 pagi ada di antara kumpulan pengundi awal (first batch) sudah selesai mengundi dan keluar dari pusat mengundi.

“Secara tak sengaja calon kita telah terjumpa dengan seorang anggota tentera yang baru sahaja bersihkan tangan dengan mencuci tangan di sinki dan didapati dakwat yang dicalit pada jari beliau sebelum mengundi telah hilang.

“Kita sengaja mengambil foto menampakkan badan dia untuk menampakkan pakaian seragam tentera beliau.

“Di dalam kem tentera itu sahaja calon kita berjaya mengesan dua kes dakwat yang dicalit di jari hilang atau boleh dibasuh.

“Kalau dakwat yang hilang dalam 10 peratus masih tidak mengapa, tetapi daripada kes yang kami lihat, boleh dikatakan 95 peratus dakwat sudah hilang dan seolah-olah seperti tiada lagi kesan dakwat pada jari anggota tentera itu.

“Saya juga mendapat satu panggilan daripada sebuah nombor telefon yang tidak dikenali (private number) yang mana beliau mengaku sebagai anggota tentera, turut mendakwa dakwat di jari beliau sudah separuh hilang lebih kurang tiga jam selepas beliau mengundi.

Invividu tersebut mendakwa beliau mencuci tangannya sebelum makan tengahari,” jelas Mohamad Hassan.

Mohamad Hassan kini mempertikaikan ketelusan dan kredibiliti Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (SPR) dalam isu dakwat yang dicalit di jari mudah hilng apabila dibasuh atau terkena air.

“Ini bermakna Pakatan Rakyat sebelum ini yang bimbang dakwat jari akan hilang selepas tiga hari terbukti benar, kerana bukan tiga hari, tetapi dalam masa beberapa jam sahaja dakwat sudah hilang.

“Sedangkan SPR sebelum ini memberi jaminan dakwat di jari akan bertahan selama seminggu. Malah SPR pada mulanya pernah berkata pengundian awal akan diadakan tiga hari sebelum tarikh mengundi, kini telah mengadakan pengundian awal lima hari sebelum tarikh mengundi.

“Apakah ini perancangan pihak tertentu termasuk SPR untuk menggagalkan kebangkitan rakyat menyokong Pakatan Rakyat?

“SPR harus memberi penjelasan berhubung perkara ini agar rakyat tidak meragui kredibiliti dan ketelusan SPR,” kata  Mohamad Hassan.


                                  SPR BO LA YAN

Lamborghiniiii !! Kereta Polis Wanita Di Dubai !!!

Polis Dubai di Emiriah Arab Bersatu menggunakan sebuah kereta Lamborghini Aventador yang berharga hampir AS$550,000 (RM1.66 juta)

Know Your Blood Pressure


Blood pressure chart


                      Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is always given as two numbers - systolic pressure (when the heart beats) and diastolic pressure (when the heart relaxes). When the measurements are written down, both are written one above or before the other with the systolic being the first number.

Normal Blood Pressure - Blood pressure reading below 120/80 is considered normal.

High Blood Pressure - Blood pressure of 140/90 or higher is considered high blood pressure. If one or both numbers are usually high, you have high blood pressure.

Low Blood Pressure - Blood pressure that is too low is known as hypotension. The similarity in pronunciation with hypertension can cause confusion.


High Blood Pressure Range

Systolic pressure (mm Hg)

Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)

Stages of High Blood Pressure



Stage 4



Stage 3



Stage 2



Stage 1

Normal Blood Pressure Range

Systolic pressure(mm Hg)

Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)

Pressure Range



High Normal Blood Pressure



Normal Blood Pressure



Low Normal Blood Pressure

Low Blood Pressure Range

Systolic pressure (mm Hg)

Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)

Pressure Range



Borderline Low blood Pressure



Too Low Blood Pressure



Dangerously Low Blood Pressure

What should my blood pressure be according to my age?

This chart shows the average blood pressure range by age.

Age 15 to 19
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range
Age 20 to 24
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range
Age 25 to 29
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range
Age 30 to 34
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range
Age 35 to 39
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range





Age 40 to 44
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range
Age 45 to 49
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range
Age 50 to 54
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range
Age 55 to 59
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range
Age 60 to 64
Systolic Range
Diastolic Range






 The Most common

        Pro :

Its Fast – Download 200mb take abt 10min.

                - Youtube smooothh….

        Con of Unifi :

When modem Fail/defect – Can’t make a call at all, need to use handphone to Make report , charges are high due to on hold.

First modem always fail within 3 to 6 weeks.

Happy TV not so happy,mostly paid channel.

PRU13 – Good Movie “Sivaji The Boss”


  The film revolves around a well-established software systems, Sivaji, who returns home to India after finishing work in US. On his return, he dreams of giving back to society with free medical treatment and education. However his plans face a roadblock in the form of the influential businessman, Adiseshan. When corruption also arises, Sivaji is left with no option but to fight the system in his own way.

    Must Watch the movie…….. After Watch…..

               Then U make a VOTE in PRU13

Refresh Energy With Dr.Juicee


Here below I will give you some secrets of certain fruits combination which have a great contribution to your health. For simplicity, as you are a very busy person, make them as a juice and it is best to drink every morning when your stomach is still empty.

Precisely, it would be best after you wake up in the morning. The empty stomach is the perfect condition to absorb the nutrition from these fruits and certainly will have more benefits to your health. Please do remember, a perfect mix match of fruits will cause significant good impact to your vitality.


Combination of Juices for various remedies...

Carrot + Ginger + Apple  - Boost and cleanse our system. 

Apple + Cucumber + Celery -  Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and bad breath.

Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk -  Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney. 

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.

Pear & Banana -  regulates sugar content.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization.

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.


halia bara (zingiber Minus)

Ramai kawan2 Gua yg bertanya, Jd gua repost lagi kt Cni.


Mempunyai rizom kecil berbanding dengan halia biasa dan warnanya agak kemerahan. Halia bara banyak digunakan dalam perubatan herba berbanding halia biasa.
Khas untuk merawat penyakit angin dalam badan, muntah-muntah, cirit-birit, sakit perut, reumatisme, melancarkan pengaliran darah, menghangatkan badan dan membantu penghadaman makanan. Ia juga dapat merawat mati pucuk, keracunan oleh udang, sakit pinggang dan sakit kepala.
halia dibakar, dibersihkan kemudian diparut dan ditampal pada bahagian yang sakit

Mencegah mati pucuk Kuatkn Sperma
halia sebesar ibu jari Halia Bara sebesar ibu jari
sebiji limau nipis Lada hitam 1 sudu besar
sebiji telur ayam kampung Telur Aym Kg
1 sudu teh serbuk kopi Madu 2 sudu
1 sudu makan kicap Campur bahan di atas n blender wt jus
1 sudu makan madu Amalkn 2 x sebulan
Halia diparut dan dicampurkan dengan semua bahan di atas dan digaul rata. Amalkan seminggu sekali.


Merawat Sakit Pinggang
Halia diparut dan dicampurkan dengan asam jawa kemudian sapu pada pinggang.
Merawat Sakit Kepala
halia ditumbuk hingga halus dan ditampal di dahi dan pelipis

Merawat cirit birit dan muntah-muntah
bunga dan buah pala
1 gelas santan kelapa
1 sudu teh minyak kayu putih.
semua bahan ditumbuk halus dan dicampur hingga sebati. Digunakan sebagai ubat sapu pada perut

Merawat loya dan muntah bg ibu mengandung
1 inci halia
1 batang serai
2-3 kuntum bunga cengkih dan kayu manis.
kesemua bahan dimasukkan ke dalam segelas air mendidih. Kemudian dimasukkan seketul gula batu, tutup dan minum pagi dan malam
Mengatasi masalah kelemumur
Halia muda ditumbuk dan limurkan pada akar rambut.
Merawat Masalah Uban
Potong beberapa keping halia nipis-nipis dan rendam dalam madu. Kepingan halia ini dimakan sekeping sehari.
Halia juga dikatakan boleh melambatkan proses penuaan ( awet muda gituuu )

How to Speed Up Windows 7 Shutdown



Using a REG File Download

Speed up Desktop and Shutdown win 7

1. Click on Save, and save the .zip file to the desktop.
2. Open the .zip file and extract the .reg file to the desktop.
3. Right click on the extracted .reg file and click on Merge.
4. Click on Run, Yes, Yes, and OK when prompted.
5. Log off and log on, or restart the computer to apply the changes.
6. When done, you can delete the downloaded .reg and .zip files if you like.


Using a Registry Script
Here is a registry script that you can paste into notepad and save as a .REG file. Then follow step three above.
(details are given at the end of the code to explain what each registry command does)

Please save your registry before you make these changes. To do so, type in start menu ''regedit''. Select file and export. (Name the file Full registry around 35 megs). You may also write down original settings and reset.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]












[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19\Control Panel\Desktop]





[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\Control Panel\Desktop]





NoLowDiskSpaceChecks = Low Disk Notification


LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo = Determines whether Windows traces shortcuts back

to their sources when it cannot find the target on the user's system.

NoResolveSearch = Prevents the system from conducting a comprehensive search

of the target drive to resolve a shortcut.

NoResolveTrack = Prevents the system from using NTFS tracking features to

resolve a shortcut.

NoInternetOpenWith = Specifies whether to use the Microsoft Web service

for finding an application to open a file with an unhandled file association.

AutoEndTasks = Specifies whether user processes end automatically when

the user either logs off or shuts down Windows .

HungAppTimeout = Specifies how long the system waits for user

processes to end after the user clicks the End Task command button in

Task Manager.

MenuShowDelay = Specifies the interval from the time the cursor is

pointed at a menu until the menu items are displayed.

WaitToKillAppTimeout = Specifies how long the system waits for user

processes to end after the user attempts to log off or to shut down

Windows. When the time specified in this entry expires, the End

Task dialog box appears, stating that the process did not respond.

If the value of AutoEndTasks is 1, the system ends the process


LowLevelHooksTimeout = This tweak changes the time to wait to kill

a service, which is not responding

WaitToKillServiceTimeout = Determines how long the system waits

for services to stop after notifying the service that the system is

shutting down.

Method 3

I encountered a problem of my PC with Windows 7 shutting down too slow (about 80 seconds). Being otherwise really happy with Windows 7 and it's stability, I investigated what causes this slow shutdown.

Turns out the solution was pretty easy. Some Windows 7 tuning utility allowed me to set some "security setting" which deleted the pagefile.sys each time I was shutting down the computer. Luckily, I stumbled upon this site with solution.

1. Run gpedit.msc

2. Find the thread Computer configuration/Windows settings/Security settings/Local ploicies/Security options/

3. Find the Shutdown:Clear virtual memory pagefile setting

4. Set it to Disabled

5. Reboot

And that's it. My computer now shuts down in about 20 seconds. Of course, you don't need to shut down your computer every day, just put it to sleep or (when traveling) hibernate, but sometimes it is necessary and it is handy when shutting down the computer with Windows doesn't take too long.



Isteri PI Bala pecahkan kesunyian PRU13

VIDEO | Bahagian 1 | Bahagian 2

Hampir lima tahun selepas meninggalkan negara ini, balu kepada bekas penyiasat persendirian mendiang P Balasubramaniam, A Santamil Selvi, akhirnya memberikan wawancara pertamanya kepada media.
Menurutnya, beliau didorong mengambil langkah itu selepas menerima panggilan telefon individu tidak dikenali yang menawarkan wang dan peluang pendidikan untuk anak-anaknya sebagai pertukaran dengan "bukti" bahawa PKR membayar suaminya untuk membuat kenyataan bersumpah.
NONEIni berlaku setelah baru sahaja terdapat SMS palsu disebarkan bulan lalu yang mendakwa beliau akan mengadakan sidang media bagi mengisytiharkan suaminya dibayar oleh peguam, kata Selvi kepada Malaysiakini dan KiniTV pada Jumaat lalu.
"Selepas Bala meninggal, mereka buat tawaran dan saya tak boleh terimanya. Ini sebabnya saya beri wawancara ini. Sebelum ini, saya tak pernah fikir untuk diwawancara, tetapi saya tak boleh terimanya lagi," katanya merujuk kepada gangguan berterusan itu.
"Ini sebabnya kenapa saya mahu beritahu rakyat apa sebenarnya berlaku pada saya," kata Selvi sambil menegaskan suaminya tidak dikuasai sesiapa pun.
Lima tahun lalu, Selvi juga tidak menyangka apa yang berlaku apabila melihat suaminya muncul di kaca televisyen pada 3 Julai 2008.
Bala, pagi itu, memanggil sidang akhbar di ibu pejabat PKR dan mengumumkan akuan bersumpah pertama yang mengaitkan perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dengan pembunuhan warganegara Mongolia Altantuya Shaariibuu.


Benarkah Wujudnya Anggota Tentera Kita Dilahirkan Di Pakistan Atau Bangladesh?


Munasabahkah terdapatnya warganegara kita yang dilahirkan di Pakistan atau Bangladesh bertugas sebagai anggota keselamatan sama ada sebagai anggota PDRM atau ATM? Sila tonton video di bawah
untuk jawapannya.
Di bawah ialah Kod Kelahiran luar negara pada mycard yang berkuatkuasa sejak  2000 digunapakai oleh Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Malaysia.

Jumlah Pengundi kelahiran Sabah yang bakal mengundi di Selangor pada 5hb Mei 2013 seperti jadual di bawah:

              Goto Youtube

Dawat Kekal Tak Kekal ???


Pendedahan dari pengundi awal. Teruskan….

Hanya dengan mengunakan sabun,belumlagi tinner atau petrol dakwat kekal yang diberikan SPR untuk dicalit sebenarnya ink biasa untuk stam cap jari!!!!????

What the Fak la SPR ni ... nak menangkan BN beria ia sangat ni kenapa?

Nah.. seorang pengundi awal hari ni telah membuat demo selepas beliau balik dari mengundi. Hanya dengan mengunakan sabun.. dakwat tersebut hilang sedikit demi sedikit!!!

Nampaknya PENGADIL perlawanan bola antara Islam dengan Israel.. pengadil berat kepada israel kali nih..

Best Of The Best Chinese Subang Jaya

  Click below to see

Cat : Yg Mana Satu ?


Monday, April 29, 2013

Ketelusan SPR Di RAGUI ?


DS Anwar Ibrahim hari ini mempersoalkan mengenai 42 undi pos di bawah kategori tentera dan polis yang didaftarkan di bawah kod bangsa Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia dan Filipina. Apakah tentera Malaysia ini turut dianggotai oleh warga asing? (klip video di dalam)

Beliau juga mendedahkan dokumen SPR yang ditemui di luar lokasi rahsia di mana peti undi disimpan.

Anwar berkata bukti ini mempersoalkan kredibiliti SPR dan menyeru mereka mengemukakan jawapan dengan segera.

     Klik dibawah tengok Video


Judgment Day 505




Sembang PRU13 d’FB


Penarik Beca...!!!

Datang orang Vietnam, anjing dan kucing hilang...
Datang orang Bangla, gadis-gadis Melayu hilang...
Datang amoi China, suami-suami hilang...
Datang ahli politik, wanita Mongolia hilang...
Datang Polis, dadah hilang...
Datang SPRM, Teoh Beng Hock dengan Pegawai Kastam hilang....
Datang pilihan raya umum, duit kerajaan hilang...
Datang Shahrizat, Lembu hilang....
Kalah pilihan raya umum, dokumen hilang...
Keluar laporan sebenar, doktor hilang...
Cakap benar, keluarga hilang...
Besarkan tentera udara, enjin jet hilang...
Kalau hang undi Barisan Nasional, masa depan hang habis hilang...
Undilah dengan bijak sebelum dengan hang-hang sekali hilang...!!!!


                  Aduh!!! Apo Nok Jadi NegaroKu Ne ???

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dog Name Faith – Must Read


This dog was born on Christmas Eve in the year 2002. He was born with 2  legs - He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.

His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of 'putting him to sleep'.

But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted  to take care of him.

She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself.  She named him 'Faith'.

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement.

Later she used peanut  butter on a spoon as a lure and reward

for him for standing up and jumping around.

Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk.

Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle,

Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward.

After further training in the snow, he could now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now.

No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him.

He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and

has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.

There is now a book entitled 'With a Little Faith' being published about him.

He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.


His present owner Jude Stringfellew has  given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world

to  preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul'.

In life there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better

you just need to look at life from another direction.

I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone

and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day.

Faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life.

A small request: All you are asked to do is keep this story circulating.