Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
CAT Suddenly Get Paralyze
True stories about my cat name Steve
How he suddenly can’t walk,hard to urine and excreta. It happen on 4 April 2012.
About 5pm (4/04/12) – Bring to vet doctor. he shivering, cannot walk and vomiting.the doctor cannot diagnose what the cause of. it may be due to fall-down or something hit on the back of the cat. Dr check and scan the bone but it seeng ok. So the doctor give some med to him and injection.
5/04/12 my cat getting worse, Bring him to vet clinic again.he cannot eat by himself. the doctor give another med for nerve.
6/04/12 – Again bring to see doctor. the symptom now getting more worse, he totally paralyze, the doctor give-up and it no hope already.
That night we can’t sleep thinking of Steve (cat), I thinking of letting him “sleep” to end the suffer.the house very smelly too due to urine and vomiting stick on the cat fur. we cannot bath the cat at his condition. I use a cloth and soak it in the pail of water (Shampoo + Detol) then gently clean the fur. At the same time talking and massaging the back of Steve. I don’t know whether he can understand me. I prey to the god that give him a strength and get cure and healthy again. wife keep searching online about the paralyze cat. Its go on & on searching till about 0230hrs we finally get to the blog that had same symptom with Steve. Thanks to god and the blogger that sharing the way how to take care of the matter.
In her posting she also has the cat getting paralyze due to fell off frm higher place, she also bring the cat to vet clinic but no cure. At last she get info from forum blog about curing by consume “Gamat product” that call ZANITON From House Of Healing ( 03-55695580 careline 603-55695569) RM59.90/bottle 350ml.
Direction on consume
Give 5ml in the morning and night.
For his diet … I use soft can food (In my case – Tuna + jelly), I use syringe (3ml type) . 3 times a day.
I also gave him “Nutri Glucose” in the afternoon for resume his energy.
To increase the appetite I gave him ” Bea-Vit-Totaal” from beephar, its multi vitamin for pet. 0.6ml twice a day.
A week later my cat start to walk slowly, Now Steve can start running (6 weeks). I still feed my cat with ZANITON but once a day.
Steve 9 March 2012
4 April
5 April
6 April
7 April
8 April 2012
9 April
18 April
20 April
22 April
2 May 2012
4 May
6 May
22 May
22 May
22 May 2012
Pls Share it to friendsssss
Monday, May 21, 2012
Anggota Polis Menyamar Dalam Peserta BERSIH–Hishamuddin akui
Dari Blog GB -
Menteri Dalam Negeri Harus Perjelas Peranan Anggota Polis Menyamar Dalam Peserta BERSIH.
Hampir 3 minggu telah berlalu sejak sejarah berlakunya himpunan rakyat terbesar dalam negara ini iaitu BERSIH 3.0. Himpunan menuntut pilihanraya bebas dan adil yang harus ditandakan sebagai himpunan perpaduan kerana jelas semangat persaudaraan perbagai kaum dan latar belakang rakyat yang hadir sendiri secara sukarela telah dicacatkan dengan tindakan ganas polis dibawah arahan regim penguasa.
Pada 7 Mei, SAMM telah menghantar satu memorandum memperjelaskan tindakan ganas dan jenayah yang melibatkan anggota polis ketika himpunan BERSIH 3.0. Dalam memorandum tersebut juga disenaraikan anggota polis yang jelas gambar mereka dirakam terlibat melakukan jenayah kekerasan.
Perbagai persoalan timbul dan masih tidak mampu diperjelaskan oleh pihak regim khususnya Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussien. Malah bukan sahaja gagal memperjelaskan beberapa persoalan penting tetapi regim bertindak memusing dan menyelewengkan beberapa fakta penting pula. Namun sebenarnya ia semakin memerangkap regim dan mengelirukan orang ramai.
Terbaru pada 14 Mei lepas dalam satu sidang media di Putrajaya, Hishamuddin dengan jelas menyatakan 21 orang terdiri dari 141 individu yang tersenarai dan telah diiklankan dalam media kononya melakukan keganasan dalam himpunan BERSIH 3.0 telah menyerah diri. Apabila diasak oleh wartawan mengenai kenapa tindakan hanya pada orang awam tidak melibatkan polis yang bertindak ganas, Hishamuddin menyatakan antara 21 orang yang menyerah diri itu ada anggota polis juga.
Perhatian semua ditarik balik kepada gambar 141 orang yang kononya mengganas atau merusuh. Gambar ini konon diambil dari rakaman polis yang merakamkan secara rawak merakamkan individu yang merusuh. Bila ditanya pada sebelum itu ketika penyebaran gambar dibuat PDRM dengan yakin menyatakan individu yang diiklankan untuk desak serah diri itu semuanya dirakamkan melakukan keganasan. Tidak ada satupun dari 141 orang yang disiar gambarnya menggunakan seragam polis. Sebaliknya 14 Mei lepas Hishamuddin menyebut ada anggota polis serah diri kerana gambar mereka disiarkan.
Ini membawa maksud pengakuan dari Hishamuddin ada anggota polis berpakaian biasa juga bertindak ganas dan merusuh dalam Himpunan BERSIH 3.0. Menteri Dalam Negeri harus tampil menjelaskan perkara ini segera. Jika tidak beliau harus meletakkan jawatan kerana jelas Kementerian Dalam Negeri terlibat dalam merancang mempergunakan anggota keselamatan untuk menimbulkan kekacauan untuk memberikan kelebihan politik kepada parti politik penguasa regim.
Bagi pihak SAMM dan organisasi - organisasi Muda yang menghantar memorandum ke Bukit Aman pada 7 Mei lepas satu jawapan dan penjelasan rasmi dituntut. Kejadian 28 April jelas telah menimbulkan perbagai persepsi negatif rakyat kepada pihak keselamatan. Sehingga kini langsung tidak ada tindakan diambil. Sebaliknya PDRM terus angkuh dipergunakan untuk memburu orang ramai.
SAMM memberikan perhatian serius dalam isu peristiwa 28 April lalu dan perjuangan mendapatkan pilihanraya bebas dan adil. Kini SAMM sudah menyiapkan satu DVD khas dokumentari yang memperjelaskan BERSIH 1, Bersih 2.0 dan memperjelaskan kejadian BERSIH 3.0. DVD ini walaupun disiapkan oleh tenaga amatur muda tetapi ia merupakan dokumentari lengkap bagi memahamkan rakyat mengenai perjuangan BERSIH 3.0.
SAMM juga melalui sekutu organisasi masyarakat muda (ORMAS muda) di luar negara akan turut mengadakan program menonton dokumentari ini bagi memahamkan orang muda khususnya tetangga asean mengenai perjuangan rakyat Malaysia menuntut pilihanraya bebas dan adil.
Bersih Trooper
DVD ini dijangka akan dilancarkan minggu hadapan (23 Mei) dan sudah mula boleh didapati di pasaran.
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
The stories of Bersih 3.0 ( From the blog)
IF you’re a Malaysian reading this, you will have seen what happened at Bersih 3.0. Whether or not you were in Kuala Lumpur on 28 April, or glued to Facebook or Twitter, you must have encountered images, videos, or reports of the colossal rally that started as a festive sit-in and ended in tear gas.
The fumes have cleared, but the air is still thick with claims and counterclaims. Many have accused the police of excessive force. The police have identified more than 100 suspected lawbreakers at the rally. To say nothing of the barrier breaching, censorship, political hijacking, supposedly UN-approved teargas, and unidentifiable policemen.
And then there are the stories. Stories from extraordinary Malaysians who participated in Bersih 3.0 for different reasons, and who encountered different amounts of tear gas. But who all felt a common impulse to share their observations with the wider community.
So what was the impact of Bersih 3.0? High-profile statements and official spin aside, I believe it’s this collective storytelling that will impact democracy in Malaysia.
Democracy and stories
Political scientists have yet to agree on a definition of democracy. One thing is clear: it’s not just elections. It isn’t even just transparent and fair elections.
In fact, elections are a bit of a political oddity. Political scientist Benedict Anderson notes inThe Spectre of Comparisons (1998) that voting “is almost the only political act imaginable in perfect solitude”. While most forms of political participation involve visible and organic collective action, voting is rigid and private. At the polls, political communities are fragmented into individual actors, for the sake of equal representation of every individual.
But this representation has little meaning unless the choices driving it are built on good information, and unless the representatives are held accountable to their mandates.
At one extreme, we have elections – a curiously constrained but universal part of democracy. At the other, there are rallies like Bersih 3.0 – climactic but often polarising moments of political participation. And in between are the ongoing and sometimes unexciting but nevertheless vital discourses that define the political sphere.
This is where the Bersih stories come in. We are witnessing a surge in the number of Malaysians expressing personal opinions in public spaces, because they rightly want to record and share the fact that they were there on 428.
Crucially, these stories don’t stand alone. Many writers say they were inspired to share after reading someone else’s story. The reader comments on many accounts of Bersih 3.0 show genuine, if occasionally confrontational, engagement with each other’s experiences of being Malaysian.
Building bridges
The Bersih stories are bridges. They connect the systematic symbolism of elections and the raw symbolism of mass assemblies with the practical realities of people who are back to their everyday lives. Only with more yellow clothing and less tolerance for some of the nondemocratic norms in our country.
They also connect individual Malaysians. The Bersih 3.0 narratives have come from a humbling variety of people. Seasoned bloggers. First-time protesters. Mothers. The daughter of an FRU officer. And – I accept charges of nepotism for this one – my cousin, a SEA Games medalist who attended the rally as a medic but was beaten by the police.
This virtual post-Bersih show-and-tell is democratic to its core. By sharing our stories, we affirm that individual experience matters to the larger group. That every voice has equal value.
For reasons that political scientists also have yet to agree on, Malaysia has seen a lot of bridge-building over the last few years. The March 2008 elections were pivotal. The results were a shock because no one, not even those who had voted for the opposition, had imagined there were so many others like them. After March 2008, it got a bit easier to dream together.
Then last July we had Bersih 2.0, where a fabulous hodgepodge of Malaysians flooded Twitter with Bersih stories. After the event, images of a woman holding a flower and drenched in chemically laced water made Anne Ooi a rallying point for countless netizens who claimed her as their Aunty Bersih.
Global bridges
Here’s another key way in which the Bersih stories are bridges: they connect Malaysians across the globe. After Bersih 2.0, the steering committee released a report titled “The awakening of the Malaysian diaspora”, celebrating the 4,000 overseas Malaysians who came together in 38 cities on 9 July.
Bersih 3.0 rally in London.
Bersih 3.0 had an even larger international presence, reportedly spanning 85 locations in 35 countries. Watching photo montages of the Global Bersih 3.0 demonstrations is enough to trigger warm fuzzy patriotism, as well as incredulous laughter at the glorious improbability of it all.
This kind of bridge is essential when you’re living abroad. First, these shared social platforms facilitate the logistics for diasporic Malaysian gatherings in the first place. Second, they allow overseas Malaysians to express their continued stake in the country, and to share that articulation with those at home.
Internet bridges
Internet-based media has been key to my own bridge-building experience. Over the last six months, I have seen my electoral roll record on the Election Commission website change from a regular voting status, to a regular voting status with a postal voter application in process, and then back to a regular voting status with no acknowledgement of my absent voter application. My IC number then vanished completely from the electoral roll for a few weeks.
My original voter registration has yet to reappear in the electoral roll, but at least now the website says that my absent voter registration is being gazetted. Throughout this process, support from Facebook friends – Malaysian and otherwise – has kept me from thinking that I am a crazy brat for demanding my right to vote.
In some ways, there is nothing new about communications technology creating a shared space for the development of egalitarian national consciousness. In Imagined Communities(1983), Benedict Anderson argues that the sharing of ideas through the printing press is essential to the development of the “nationally-imagined community”.
In Malaysia, the government has always kept a fairly firm grip on the print media, stunting the development of a democratic imagined community.
Enter the internet. As Digital News Asia editor A Asohan observes, its messy decentralisation creates a virtual space for connections, stories and truth. Regardless of how much tear gas and censorship the government inserts into the physical public space.
We have a long way to go. We need to sustain the sharing of stories and reflections beyond the aftermath of a catalytic event through the drawn-out slog for political liberties. We need to discuss ways to translate the tentatively shared dreams into gritty policy solutions. We need to occupy these bridges – both defending them and filling them with traffic, in the name of a democratic Malaysia.
YB Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin Memang Anak Jantan
Baju Melayu Pink Kalor Tu Orang Berani
Baru-baru ini beliau dengan selamba menghadiri program ceramah Nizar pemborong bersiri (Anjuran UmNo)di Tualang Sekah, Malim Nawar.
Pihak penganjur iaitu Umno terpaksalah mempersilakan Datuk Seri Nizar duduk di hadapan.
Apa lagi tak jadilah mereka menghentam dan memfitnah Nizar.
"Saya menghadiri cramah umno menggodam saya di Tualang Sekah kampar,oleh yb dato shaarani & hanafiah man,mrk panik dan pucat " kata Muhammad Nizar.
Memang patut kita buat macam ini. Kepada pimpinan PAS Melaka memang baik cadangan dari Jai Fotografi melalui FBnya yang mencadangkan kita mencontohi tindakan Nizar ini.
Cooool Man
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Hari Ibu… Dimana Keiklasan Sharizat
Cuba tengok gambar di bawah ini.
Inilah yg dikatakan ke iklasan Umno. Benarkah ?
Hanya ANDA YG TAHU setelah menghayati gambar dibawah .
Itu “ Aso ” lalam hati cakap …..Aiya !!! Malu gua sama olang….. Taik Tangan masok gua punya mulut gua.. aiya malu . olang malayu cakap ha ….. macam TELAN MATI PAPAK, TAK TELAN MATI IBU. Itu macam kurang punya cakap. AiYo Aiyo…… Malu gua .semua olang 1Malaysia Tahu.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Terima Kasih Pada Semua Unit Amal
Dengan Ucapan TERIMA KASIH Pada Petugas Unit Amal.
Kerna Menjaga Dan Melindung Kami (Bersih 1,2,3 dan seterusnya)
Jasa Mu Akan Di Kenang Sampai Bila2 .
Teruskan Perjuangan Mu Itu.
Hanya Tuhan Saje akan Balas Jasa Mu.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Polis Memukul Peserta BERSIH Di Luar Kawasan Larangan Mahkamah
Segala kejadian yang kita lihat di video2 tu rupanya berlaku jauh dari kawasan yang dilarang mahkamah. Rakyat Malaysia sekali lagi telah ditipu hidup2 oleh UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.
Saluran 1 : Lembah Klang
Saluran 2 : Utara
Saluran 3 : Selatan
Saluran 4 : Sabah
Saluran 5 : Sarawak
SMS : Taip UPU RESULT [NOKP] hantar ke 15888
Sila Klik... http://upu.mohe.gov.my/
Pak Samad: Seniman Rakyat 2012
Peredaran zaman dari dari masa ke semasa melahirkan ribuan seniman yang berkarya dalam berbagai genre. Seniman adalah golongan yang dianugerahkan Allah dengan bakat. Namun, bakat tidak harus diterima sebagai keistimewaan semata-mata, tetapi adalah sebuah tanggungjawab yang amat berat.
Sehubungan itu, kami berpendapat tidak memadai bagi seseorang seniman jika hanya berjaya menghasilkan karya-karya seninya demi keuntungan dan laba peribadi dan dalam masa yang sama mengabaikan penderitaan lingkungan.
Seniman seharusnya mengabdikan karya-karya untuk kepentingan rakyat terbanyak, membela rakyat tertindas malah menjadi perakam denyut nadi rakyat.
Hari ini kami, Kumpulan Kartunis Independen (KKI) mengiktiraf seorang seniman, seorang budayawan yang mengabdi karya-karyanya demi membela rakyat, demi membuka mata rakyat dan sentiasa berjuang di garis depan membimbing rakyat.
Beliau tidak mengharapkan darjat dan kebesaran malah sanggup menempuh rintangan biar berdapan dengan kekuasaan dan hujung senapang demi sebuah prinsip dan kehormatan sebagai manusia.
Seniman rakyat adalah seniman yang berkorban ternaga dan minda, menyumbang bakat dan titik peluh demi kemerdekaan sebuah bangsa dalam erti kata sebenar.
Beliau juga adalah contoh teladan kepada kami para kartunis, para seniman dan rakyat Malaysia umumnya. Kami dengan ini mengiktiraf A Samad Said sebagai "Seniman Rakyat 2012".
*Zulkiflee Sm Anwar Haq (Zunar) ialah Pemimpin Kumpulan Kartunis Independen.
**Kumpulan Kartunis Independen, ialah sebuah kumpulan kartunis yang memperjuangkan hak kartunis untuk berkarya secara bebas tetapi bertanggungjawab. Kami juga menolak budaya mengampu dan amalan rasuah. Ahli-ahli Kumpulan Kartunis Independen ialah:
1. Nor Azlin Ngah (Jonos)
2. Azmie Md Taha
3. Johnny Ong
4. Azman Md Noh (AMN)
5. Nor Afendi Ramli (Ronasina)
6. Abdullah Jones
7. Amier Hamzah Hashim (Ibnukaduk)
8. Azhar Saad (Art)
9. Azlan Isa (Orang2)
10. Sham Saimun Ezil (Along)
11. Lili Zam (Haili)
12. Amir Hakim (Ahyat)