
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Malaysia MALU dapat PM TAK CERDIK


Najib kata Pendidikan Percuma cuma ada ditiga negara dalam dunia.

          Alaaaa……. Ingat ke rakyat  Bodoh !

..  . Tapi cuba tengok senarai dari Wikipedia ni..

Berkatalah pemangku jawatan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat  yang baru melantik dirinya sendiri memegang jawatan tersebut iaitu  Najib Tun Razak ketika merasmikan program Jelajah Janji Dikota (JJD) peringkat kebangsaan yang bermula di Stadium Batu Pahat, semalam..

“Kalau PTPTN nak dihapuskan, ia menelan kos RM43 bilion. Hanya tiga negara di dunia yang tanggung sepenuhnya pengajian di universiti termasuk Norway tetapi mengenakan cukai pendapatan yang tinggi.
“Adakah kita sebagai pembayar cukai sedia dikenakan cukai pendapatan yang tinggi semata-mata mahu menghapus kira PTPTN. Tentu ini tidak adil sama sekali kerana akan membebankan rakyat,” katanya - laporan penuh sila baca di ( SINI )

Apa yang pemangku Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat  cuba sampaikan disini ialah rakyat yang membayar cukai akan terbeban dengan langkah pemansuhan PTPTN yang dicadangkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat itu..

Ini kerana menurutnya Norway mengenakan cukai yang tinggi untuk menyediakan pendidikan percuma untuk rakyatnya..

Bagi aku yang membayar cukai (tahun ni teragak-agak samada nak declare atau tidak.. sebab aku nampak banyak yang dah disapu oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO).. membayar cukai pendapatan yang tinggi demi kebaikan anak bangsa Malaysia bukanlah satu perkara yang menyakitkan hati..

Jika Najib kata hanya tiga negara di dunia ini yang menanggung sepenuhnya pengajian di universiti beliau sekali lagi cuba memperbodohkan rakyat Malaysia atau dalam lain ayat beliau menipu 1Malaysia..

Ini kerana dari apa yang tercatat dalam Wikipedia bukanlah hanya tiga Negara tetapi lebih dari 20 buah Negara yang menyediakan system pendidikan percuma buat rakyatnya ini termasuklah Kenya dan juga Sri Lanka..

Baca petikan dari Wikipedia ini..

Free education refers to education that is funded through taxation, or charitable organizations rather than tuition fees. Although primary school and othercomprehensive or compulsory education is free in many countries, for example, all education is mostly free (often not including books (from primary) and a number of administrative and sundry fees in university) including post-graduate studies in the Nordic countries.

In Norway and Finland, no fees apply for foreign students enrolling at a university, although they may not be eligible for a monthly study allowance and loan.

Sweden, until recently, provided free education to foreign students but changes have been introduced to charge fees to foreign students from outside of theEuropean community.

Denmark also has universal free education, and provides a monthly stipend, the "Statens Uddannelsesstøtte" or "SU", to students over 18 years of age.

Greece and Argentina provide free education at all levels, including college and university.

In Brazil, free education is offered by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry offers scholarships for graduate degrees, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral for Brazilians and immigrants who have Brazilian citizenship.

In Sri Lanka, free education is provided by the government at different levels. Government funded schools such as national schools, provincial schools andpiriven provided primary and secondary education free, while assisted schools and semi-governmental schools provided the same at subsidized rates. At the university level, the state universities provide undergraduate courses free, however this totals only about 10% for those qualified for university entrance. Grants and scholarships are provided for a limited number as study allowances.

Elsewhere, free education usually comes to students in the form of scholarships and grants, if they cover all or most of students' expenses. Individuals, institutions and advocacy initiatives are examples of providers of grants and scholarships. They may have economic (e.g. tax-deductibility), humanitarian, charitable or religious motivations.

There are examples of steps towards free education being taken across the world primarily in those nations developing rapidly, such as China.

In some developing countries like Sri Lanka, education is free from the primary level to the tertiary level.

The renowned centers of learning in Libya and Cuba may be attended free of charge.

In Mauritius the government provides free education to its citizens from pre-primary to tertiary levels. Since July 2005, the government also introduce free transport for all students.

List of countries with free post-secondary education

This is not a complete list, and only countries discussed in the article are mentioned.

  • Barbados
  • Brazil
  • Belgium
  • Croatia
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Kenya
  • Malta
  • Mauritius
  • Morocco
  • Norway
  • Scotland
  • Slovakia
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sweden
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Brunei
  • Turkey
  • Oman
  • Saudi Arabia

Hmmm... berapa negara semuanya itu?

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